Lockdown Time Capsule
2020 Time Capsule
The 2020 global pandemic will go down in history books but a time capsule will teach future generations what lockdown was really like.
Week Beginning 20th July 2020
Talk Time
What is a time capsule?
Why has this year been different to any other year?
What do you remember through lockdown?
Why would we want to remember this year?
You may want to watch when Blue Peter opened some time capsules during their first episode of the year 2000.
What do you think people might think when they open your time capsule in 2050?
How might the world have changed in 30 years time?
How old will you be then? How might you have changed?
* Overview for the next two days
- Fill out these worksheets to whoever opens your capsule to tell them all about you and what is different during lockdown, for example, we had to stay at home, we could only go outside once a day for exercise, we had to facetime our friends and family instead of seeing them in person.
- Choose and decorate your box/capsule
Overview for the next two days
- Collect your objects (you will find a list on the overview sheet)
- photographs or drawing – who did you live with during lockdown, activities you did during lockdown, you could even annotate the picture or drawings
- Handprint or tracing of everyone in the family
- Newspaper clippings or print out from online
- Letters and postcards (Boris’ official lockdown letter)
- A diary/diary entries (thing you have done throughout lockdown)
- A 2020 dated coin
- Evidence of games or activities you did as a family
- School work you completed during lockdown
- Anything else which reminds you of lockdown, maybe some toilet roll to remind you that everyone panic bought toilet roll and there was a big shortage. Hand sanitiser as a reminder of how important it was to kill those germs. A picture of rainbow to remind you how we sent hope for everyone and clapped for carers ever Thursday.
- You could also create a map and a set of instructions for whoever 'digs up' the capsule in the future.
** Complete these activity sheets to create a record of what lockdown was like for you. These can then be placed inside a time capsule or kept somewhere safe so that in years to come when the world has changed again, you can look back and remember what it was like living in 2020.
Use recycling resources such as cardboard tubes, boxes, plastic bottles and jars. To design a time capsule to store your memories inside. Decorate it and remember to tell people when they are allowed to open it and look inside. Then hide it somewhere safe (but don’t forget!) until years have passed and you or someone else finds it to have a look inside.
- What else could you place inside to remind you of lockdown 2020? Toilet roll – to remind you of when it was out of stock everywhere! Hand sanitiser? Photographs of things you’ve done at home?
- Use the photographs below for inspiration.
Write a letter to whoever opens your time capsule.
Plan it first and note down the answers to these questions.
- Your name and age.
- What does lockdown mean to you?
- What were you allowed to do and not to do?
- Where you lived and who you lived with.
- How you felt when you first found out that school was closing.
- Whether you came to school as a key worker pupil or your parent(s) taught you at home.
- Your experience on teams.
- Whether you learnt any new skills whilst in lockdown.
- Who you missed the most.
- What you enjoyed.
- What you hated.
- How did shopping change?
- How you feel about the end of lockdown and your prediction about what life will be like over the coming months.
Remember what a letter needs to look like: use this letter writing frame to help you.
- Is your letter formal or informal?