Welcome to St John's.
A poem written by Finley, one of our amazing children:
First, let me welcome you to Saint John's School,
Our church school really is rather fine,
Here we achieve and celebrate excellence together,
With the school motto of 'I will shine',
Second, let me tell you about our four core values,
These are love, forgiveness, respect and hope,
And with lots of perseverance and determined resilience,
We learn important life skills to ensure we can cope,
Third, let me tell you a little about life at Saint John's,
There's a brand new library with many interesting books,
A prize-winning allotment, a really fun playground,
And even a kitchen where we learn to be cooks,
So, let me conclude Saint John's builds our confidence,
It encourages us to be kind and embrace positivity,
From here we can look to our future with improved aspirations,
So come join our school and be part of our community!
Welcome From the Headteacher
Welcome to St John the Baptist C.E. Primary School's website. Through the pages and information you will find here we hope to give you a flavour of what goes on every day in our school.
Where you decide to have your child educated is one of the most important decisions you will make. You will want them to achieve their best, to be happy, to develop their social skills and increase their confidence. These are all important to us as well, and we believe that through working with you we can help youngsters to achieve their potential.
Here at St. John’s, as well as helping children to achieve their academic potential, we also strive to offer a wide, varied and bespoke curriculum. We offer all children the opportunity to learn to grow in our allotment, cook the produce they have grown in our professional curriculum kitchen, be given the chance to learn the recorder, ukulele and clarinet, and much more.
Our children, staff, parents and governors form the basis of our learning community. The relationships we forge are important to us and are vital if we are to help everyone at St John’s to grow and develop. Choosing St John’s will mean that you and your family become part of this community, and we will do our very best to help you feel part of our school. We believe that it is important to develop the whole child, not only the academics. At St John's we have a dedicated Pastoral Team who are always available to support our children and their families, enabling every child to become resilient, confident and well-rounded individuals, ready for their next step in their education and the world beyond.
Our School Blog and Weekly Newsletters will provide you with further insight into the life of St Johns. Please do take a look:
I am proud of our high standards and of our school ethos, which is founded in our church foundation. Please take a look at our website and give me a call to make an appointment to look around our school to see for yourself the difference we can make.
I look forward to meeting you.
Clare Robinson
About St Johns
St. John’s is a Church of England “Aided” primary school. The school dates back to 1874/75 when through the generosity of Miss Elizabeth Ann Johnson and Miss Mary Ann Johnson both the school and the church next door were built.
The church and the school have always had a special relationship and we are proud of this. The link still exists today in a variety of ways…..
…..St John’s became the first Church school in Lincolnshire to be granted “Aided” status. This means that although Lincolnshire County Council pay for the cost of running the school, the Church still owns and maintains the building. Today the maintenance of the building is mainly funded by Government grants.
…..Our special link also means that at least half of our school governors are appointed by the Church and Governors directly employ school staff. However, the Governing Body is also made up of representatives from many different parts of the school community, parents, County Council representatives, school staff and people from the wider community.
….Most importantly, this link means that the school places an emphasis on helping children to understand their place within our world. Love, forgiveness and understanding that we are all part of a much larger community are all important to us. We endeavour to help children think about how Christianity and other world religions might play a part in their life.
Today the school has grown in size and has been extended over the years. We now have fourteen classes - usually with around 30 children, a smart library, a large allotment and professional curriculum kitchen, as well as extensive playing fields, playground, forest and wildlife area.
There are two classes for each year group, so children are always taught with children of their own age. Year groups are also organised into phases, with each phase having its own Phase Leader who looks after the day to day organisation. Grouping year groups in this way means that children still feel part of a small community where everyone knows one another, and not just one small part of a large school.