Deputy Headteacher Jo Blackbourn
A message from Mrs Blackbourn:
I have worked at St Johns since 2004: first as a class teacher, then SENCO, KS1 leader and now as Deputy Head Teacher and SENCO. I have been a qualified teacher since 1998.
In school, I am responsible for inclusion; I support all vulnerable pupils by ensuring they have high-quality provision so that everyone can make good progress, whatever their starting points.
As well as SEND, I oversee the school's Pupil Premium Strategy, ensuring that disadvantaged pupils are provided with quality opportunities to broaden their horizons and fulfil their potential at St Johns.
As one of the school's Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads, I support the Head Teacher (DSL) with safeguarding matters.
I work very closely with families and believe that this is critical for achieving the best outcomes for our children. Please contact me if you have any concerns about your child and any additional support you feel is needed.
Mrs Blackbourn can be contacted by emailing