Staff at St. John’s work diligently to foster positive and supportive relationships with families to ensure all pupils can fulfil their potential and experience life in all its fullness. In line with the Church of England’s vision for education it is imperative that strong home-school relationships are formed to allow St. John’s to
…’serve the common good’ and develop and serve the community in which it is situated.
In line with our vision, the whole school community – Headteacher, Staff and Members of the Local Governing Body are committed to ensuring that all children, particularly those who have been identified for whatever reason as being ‘vulnerable’, should attend school regularly and on time. We know that too frequently our most vulnerable children can slip into the persistent absentee category. We will do all that we can, as outlined in the policy document below to ensure that pupils at our school will flourish through good attendance and have access to high quality teaching and learning opportunities.
What is an acceptable attendance rate?
St John the Baptist CofE Primary School expects attendance to be 100%, unless there are exceptional or unavoidable reasons for absence.
Poor attendance can seriously affect a child’s:
- Learning and attainment in school
- Relationships with other children and their ability to form lasting friendships
- Confidence to attempt new work and work alongside others
Children may be at risk of harm if they do not attend school regularly.
Safeguarding the interests of each child is everyone’s responsibility. Ensuring a child’s regular attendance at school is a parent’s legal responsibility and permitting absence from school without a good reason can result in prosecution.
We encourage all parents to give a high priority to regular school attendance and work with them to ensure positive attitudes towards attendance are developed. Attendance related help, support and advice is available from school.
Please see the documents below for further information about our Attendance Policy and Procedures