Year 5
Academic Year 2024-2025
Welcome to Year 5 at St John's! Your Year 5 class teachers are Miss Hannam and Mrs Emeny.
Over the term we will be adding useful links and information for you to access at home. You will also find a copy of the homework diary should you need it.
Any questions, concerns or comments can be directed to us through our class emails below:
Miss Hannam (5CH) -
Mrs Emeny (5AE) -
Our PE days are Thursdays.
We are looking forward to a very exciting half term full of engaging curriculum content!
Please use these links below to connect to the relevant pages of Year 5 information.
Lastly, we would love to celebrate any successes your child achieves outside of school whether that be in sports, music or anything similar. If you have any that you would like to share with us, please email
Year 5 Team