School Ambassadors / Community Leaders
Saint John School Ambassador / Community Officers
“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16
Our vision is to create a welcoming and supportive Church School in which we aim to achieve and celebrate excellence together.
We look to develop confident minds and characters, broaden horizons and aspirations, and encourage every member of our community to flourish, in order that they will shine like a ray of light to seek positive transformation in the world today and in the future.
Welcome to the St Johns
Community Leaders Award Scheme
This award gives you the opportunity to explore your place in the community and the positive contributions you can make within it.
By taking part in the scheme, you will have the opportunity to ‘SHINE’ at different skills, help other people and contribute your own ideas for seeking positive transformation.
To achieve the award, there are four broad areas you will work on:
What do I have to do?
Complete this Community Leaders booklet by engaging in a variety of activities and challenges. Each time you complete an activity, write down what you did and ask an adult to sign it, to confirm that you did your best and worked to a high standard.
Can I do some of the award in school?
Yes. There will be opportunities in school time to complete parts of the award. On the pages, the code indicates an opportunity in school to complete a challenge.
This will be organised as a class or group activity, or by another member of staff. For instance, a group of children might be taken to St John’s Care Home to play games with the residents, or children may have the opportunity to deliver a Collective Worship. You can do your own things in these spaces if you prefer to.
Can I do the same activity more than once?
Yes, you can—but think about trying to develop a range of skills and experiences. Don’t forget that you are developing your sense of community and all of the different things you can do to make a difference to others and to your environment.
How long will it take to complete the award?
This will vary for different children and families. There are 20 challenges to complete altogether. Some children might manage one activity per week, and for others it might take a full year or longer to achieve the award. Don’t worry, there is no time limit—what you have achieved in your booklet can be carried forward each year.
If I achieve the award, can I do another award?
Yes. We hope that you will want to do more and more things to be a valued citizen in our school and local community. You can complete the award once each year in school. The awards will change colour each year, so if you want a real challenge, you could try to gain a complete set!
Who do I ask if I have any questions?
Mrs Crampton or Mrs Blackbourn are happy to answer any other questions. So please ask if there is anything else you need to know.